Definition of Fun

At an age group with Netflix binges, counterfeits and heartaches,
I found a pendant carrying dreams, failures and responsibility as a Load.
It preferred Late night Hustles, Many coffee cups and Limited breaks,
As its eyes stuck through many bugs in the Code.
“Bro why don’t you have some Fun?”
is the most frequent Question,
where Having no Regrets is all that she really wants -
Said One Direction.
Maybe the clubbers found it boring and a regret for missing out a moment,
But the pendent being a worrisome one,
regretted for a future atonement.
It wanted its young blood to work harder,
and take a rest when it gets older.
This didn’t mean it never had amusement or leisure,
but instead it had Fun with a different measure.
It prioritized a cricket match,
a wholesome talk at the dinner,
a series of Wrestling fights with its sibling,
or admit that little one to be the winner.
Go for a moon walk with the earphones plugged,
appreciate itself for the code debugged.
finish an unfinished poem,
hum that favourite song,
laugh at memes shared by your best one,
or meet your friends after so long,
This pendant called the above to be its definition of Fun,
After all it’s about the perspective,
Maybe you won’t like this and shun!
It’s not the majority who define it to be,
but with each individual it might vary.
So the next time you get a question
on “Bro why don’t you have some Fun?”
just say it’s better not said than done
and ask “what’s your definition of Fun? :)”