
I fret about the past,
While impatient of my future,
And there is exhaustion at the present,
With many ongoing venture.
I wish I did this
Or am I doing it correct?
Or how will I do it?
Anyways, to drain is the answer.
Every capability in comparison with our potential,
unpolished with rusty characteristics
No one ever interested in a rat-race,
Yet many end up as statistics.
I don’t think this ever comes to an end,
Unless I am carefree of time
But there are so many responsibilities my friend,
Maybe you’ll get what I say through a mime.
At times, no motivation helps
Some days neither do prayers
It’s merely the feeling of exhaustion
Usually no one shares.
As I write this caring less about pending tasks,
And more about my feeling
I hope this cycle is less vicious,
And end up self-sealing.