Friends through a 4-year sail...

It’s long time that I wrote an Essay.
I’ll try my best with a poem to portray.
Past were the days when my parents were fed up with their career
And therefore with their advice I chose to be an engineer
It’s the story of my first year when
I didn’t know where to start,
I didn’t know how will I end,
Maybe taking up Engineering was an Art
And I ’ll pat myself and commend.
Fast forwarding 4 years from then,
I have made few friends whom I trust fully,
I would like to thank few souls
Who held their trust on me exponentially.
They are my parents , Friends and the Almighty
To whom each one of us are thankful for.
At times when I crib about college, the frustration takes over me,
I think about these people who are confident about me entirely.
And as I’m finishing my graduation from FCRIT,
Now let me give my 2 cents on the friends I met sequentially.
First I met Julie, a teachers’ daughter,
Oh God we had relatable scenes to share,
which had our laughter.
When I ask you to worry about the projects, the skills we might require,
I secretly wished to be as careless as you were.
Thankyou Julie for being there as my bench mate who asks me to meditate some or the other day,
Moving on to next is Battina on the way.
Your whatsapp status says, smile is the key that fits in the lock of everyone’s’ heart,
Damn that’s so true in my case, where I felt that I left my worries apart.
I wish I had the pitch in your voice,
I’m glad to have you as a peer of my choice.
Next I had a perspective that sudiksha might be a rude person,
But I misunderstood her coercion.
Seeing her reminds me of an alarm clock which would say:
never bother when you arrive, but always be punctual to leave,
You are never a people pleaser not giving a shit about what people perceive.
Thank you for being my practical time bunker and bottle filler,
Being with you is always a thriller.
I next met Sherin and serena
With whom I shared contacts the same day.
Little did I know,
That I would be sharing this poem one day.
Initially I felt sherin to be skeptical of her thoughts
That she never really shared what’s in her mind,
Maybe she found hard trusting people,
Later then I found she is one of my kind.
Thankyou sherin for giggling on almost all the life depressing talks we ever had.
The lesson I learn from you is when life throws lemons at you, have some jokes to share.
What can I say about serena?
I wish I had her brains, and maybe her physic, or her photography skill,
I won’t say she is lucky but works harder with all her will.
Thank you Serena for being my inspiration,
I pray that you see the fruits of your aspirations.
Last but not the least it’s about Riya that I wish to share,
Always feeling others shoes, gives genuine love and care.
Thank you for being a listener when I shared my lows,
She has a lot of patience than what she shows.
I sometimes wonder will there be any time when people are scared to approach you?
But then I remember your angry face and that I and sherin got scared too.

With this I sum up my poem journeying through these few years,
To each of you I’ll be waving a goodbye holding my tears.
I’m sure we will be in Touch irrespective of the miles we are apart.
So let’s not worry about our lives having many moments of sorrow,
Because the pain we feel today will be the strength we have tomorrow!